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2019 July: Peru - Chachapoya

We continued northwest to the small town of Chachapoyas, located on the edge of the Amazon.

The shortest connection from Cajamarca to Chachapoyas is 330 km long and runs for 120 km on a paved, but very narrow, single-lane road, a road full of winding ups and downs. Again and again, along mountain roads and chasms up to 800 m deep. If there is oncoming traffic, a vehicle has to hook up to the next wider point.  In my opinion, "Los Yungas" in Bolivia which is known as the "Road of Death" is less of a playground by comparison. After arriving in Chachapoyas, this town has a lot to offer. The old ruins of the Kualap Fortress (Fortaleza de Kualap), the remains of the Chachapoya Culture were shown in an impressive way. Also the Gocta Falls, embedded in the deep green forests, which are accessible in a strenuous day tour. These are known as the third highest waterfalls in the world.